
Name a Non-metal that Is Liquid at Room Temperature - Chemistry



Name a non-metal that is liquid at room temperature   

One Word/Term Answer



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Chapter 6: Metals and Non-metals - Exercise


Selina Concise Chemistry [English] Class 7 ICSE
Chapter 6 Metals and Non-metals
Exercise | Q 2.7


If an element has a low ionization energy then it is likely to be ______________ (metallic / non metallic).

State why concentrated sulphuric acid is not used for drying ammonia gas

Name two metals which are both malleable and ductile.

State any five physical properties of metals.

What are metals? Name five metals.


Name a non-metal that is hardest naturally occurring substance  

Give four differences between metals and non-metals with reference to their:

  1. Melting point and boiling point
  2. The conductivity of heat and electricity
  3. Malleability
  4. Solubility 

Tick (√) the most appropriate answer. 

Sodium amalgam is prepared by dissolving sodium in :

What are metalloids: Give examples.

Give the balanced reactions for the following:

Red hot iron reacts with steam

Why is hydrogen kept in the metal activity series?

Geeta dipped a copper coin in a solution of silver nitrate. After some time she saw the silver shine on the coin. Why? Give the balanced chemical equation for the same and name the type of reaction.

With reference to the physical properties of metals and non-metals, state the following exception.

A metal which floats on water.

Complete the statement given below, by filling in the blank with the correct word:

A metal which floats on water _____

Select the appropriate option for the following statement:

The element which shows properties of both metals and non-metals.

Identify who I am!

Metal in Liquid state- _______

Which of the following non-metal is lustrous?

Generally, non-metals are not lustrous. Which of the following non-metal is lustrous?

The non – metal which is liquid at room temperature is ______.

Reason out

Sulphur is used in the vulcanization of rubber.



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