Name the technology that has helped scientists to propagate on a large scale the desired crops in a short duration. List the steps carried out to propagate the crops by the said technique.
Tissue culture is the technique that has helped scientists propagate the desired crops on a large scale in a short duration.
The following steps are carried out to propagate crops by tissue culture:
Tissue culture is the process of developing a complete plant from a part of a plant. The plant part is called an explant.
Explants can be grown in sterile conditions in special nutrient media to regenerate complete plants.
Nutrient media contain a carbon source (such as sucrose), organic salts, vitamins, amino acids and phytohormones.
Hence, propagation is achieved for a large number of plants in a short duration. This process is called micropropagation.
- All the plants obtained by tissue culture are called somaclones since they are genetically identical to each other as well as the parent plant.
With advancements in genetics, molecular biology and tissue culture, new traits have been incorporated into crop plants. Explain the main steps in breeding a new genetic variety of a crop
Give one significant contribution of the given scientists:
P. Maheshwari
You have obtained a high yielding variety of tomato. Name and explain the procedure that ensures retention of the desired characteristics repeatedly in large populations of future generations of the tomato crop.
Give one significant difference between :
To get a disease-free plant from a virus infected plant, which one of the following can be used as an explant in tissue culture?
Which of the following helps bamboo and grasses to elongate?
Callus is ______.
Micro-propagation is ______.
It is easier to culture plant cells in vitro as compared to animal cells. Why?
Discuss how the property of plant cell totipotency has been utilised for plant propagation and improvement