Name the following:
Three mineral-deficiency diseases.
- Anaemia (due to deficiency of iron)
- Goitre (due to deficiency of iodine)
- Tooth decay (due to deficiency of fluorine).
Fill in the blank:
Intake of inadequate or excess food or unbalanced diet leads to .................
Which are various media of spreading infectious diseases?
Use of disposable syringes for injecting medicines, etc. is specially advised to prevent
Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct alternative in the following statement:
Which one of the following vitamin deficiency diseases can be cured by eating a diet which includes carrot, yellow fruits, vegetables, butter, milk, fish?
Find the odd one out:
Multiple choice questions. Tick (✓) the correct choice:
A disease spread by the bite of a mad dog is
Multiple choice questions. Tick (✓ ) the correct choice:
First vaccine was produced by
Give a brief note on body’s natural defence mechanism to overcome diseases
What happens when there is an epidemic of a disease?
Name the target organs for the following diseases
Fits or unconsciousness targets ______.