On an outline map of India, do as directed :
Mark with red arrows the paths of the Arabian Sea branch and the Bay of Bengal branch of the south-west monsoon.
Fill in the blank:
A place that receives the heaviest rainfall in India and the world:: ___________
Write true or false. Correct the false statement:
Hogla is mainly found in the tidal forests.
Answer the following question in brief
What is the cause of winter rainfall in these states?
Why do Punjab and Rajasthan get very little rainfall during the monsoons?
Why are storms in Assam and West Bengal called Kalbaisakhi?
Fill in the blank:
The southern part of India is _______ all year round.
Fill in the blank:
Agriculture, forestry and fishing are directly influenced by the amount of _________.
Fill in the blank:
The winter rainfall is very important for the cultivation of _________ crops such as wheat.
Fill in the blank:
The ________ branch of south-west monsoon brings heavy rainfall to the north-east India Ganga plains and north-west India.
Fill in the blank:
India receives most of its rainfall from the __________ monsoons from June to October.