Predict the genotype and phenotype of the following cross in pea.
TtRr x TtRr
(Capital letters show dominance)
Genotype - 1TTRR : 2TTRr : 2TtRR : 1ttRR : 4TtRr : 1TTrr : 2Ttrr : 2ttRR : ttrr
Phenotype - 9 - Tall and Round seeds ; 3 - Tall and wrinkled seeds; 3 - Dwarf and round seeds; 1 - Dwarf and wrinkled seeds.
Appearance of new combinations in F2 generation in a dihybrid cross proves the law of_____________ .
- dominance
- segregation
- independent assortment
- purity of gametes
Suppose you are given two pairs of contrasting characters: Seed colour → yellow and green , seed coat → round and wrinkled.
Fill in the following table to show that F2 generation according to the principle of independant assortment as given by Mendel.
Selfing among hybrids of F1 | RY | Ry | rY | ry |
RY | ||||
Ry | ||||
rY | ||||
Ry | ||||
F2 generation |
Explain the following terms:
Laws of Inheritance
Predict the genotype and phenotype of the following cross in pea.
tt x TT
(Capital letters show dominance)
Long answer type question.
Explain with suitable example an independent assotrment.
What is a cross in which the inheritance of two pairs of contrasting characters are studied?
Identify the percentage of recombinants in F2 generation in the following case.
In Morgan's experiment with Drosophila, the yellow-bodied white-eyed female was crossed with a brown-bodied red-eyed male and their F1 progeny were intercrossed.
New species may be formed if
- DNA undergoes significant changes in germ cells
- chromosome number changes in the gamete
- there is no change in the genetic material
- mating does not take place
Test cross is when ______.