
Prepare a poster on ‘Let’s Preserve Our Heritage’  Remember to include both textual and graphic elements to make it easy to read to make it easy to understand to try for : 20% text 40% graphics - English Communicative



Prepare a poster on ‘Let’s Preserve Our Heritage’ 


  • to include both textual and graphic elements
  • to make it easy to read
  • to make it easy to understand
  • to try for :
    20% text
    40% graphics
    40% empty space
One Line Answer


Students to prepare a poster keeping in mind the above and using the above Information. One is given on  the next page.




Geological Heritage
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Chapter 4.5: Geological Heritage - Geological Heritage [Page 164]


CBSE English Communicative - Main Course Book Interact in English Class 10
Chapter 4.5 Geological Heritage
Geological Heritage | Q 5 | Page 164


The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow :

While food production has shown only marginal improvement, the demand for food grains, vegetables and fruits has registered an ______ growth the world over, forcing governments to initiate urgent measures to establish a balance between supply and demand.

The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow :

To construct the ______ structure, the builder had to use enormous quantities of concrete.

The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow :

When the teacher saw a student perched ______ on the branch of a tree, she asked him to climb down immediately.

The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow :

The newly appointed office assistant earned the praise of her colleagues for the ______ with which she completed the tasks assigned to her.

The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow :

The pensioner did not get his dues in time on account of the ______ of the officials.

The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow :

The land ______ the post office was procured by the authorities for expanding the building that housed it.

The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow : 

Merchants stock up on goods during festival seasons to meet the ______ demand and declare discounts when the sales slacken.

The box below contains ten words from the passage. Use them appropriately to fill the blank in the sentence that follow :

 During wars armies dig up ______ passages for the movement of troops and supplies unseen by the enemy.

On the basis of your comprehension of the text fill in the following table.

(a) Importance of rocks

Aesthetic importance :




Ecological importance:




(b) Threats to the geological heritage.


(i) .....................................................................................

(ii) ......................................................................................


(i) .....................................................................................

(ii) ......................................................................................

(c) The hope

(i) The efforts of 'Society to Save Rocks' led to ..........

(i.i) Challenge to the efforts of Society to Save Rocks' comes in  the form of ...........

(ii) Individuals have made efforts to preserve the heritage by ...........................



Select a historical site in need of conservation, research about its historical significance, identify the threatening factors and suggest ways of preserving the geological heritage. Prepare a power point presentation and make a presentation to the class. (This can be done in groups)




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