Read the comic strip again. Make groups of four and frame some questions on what you have read. Each group should ask a question in turns. You cannot repeat the same question. The team which asks more questions is the winner.
- Which are the foreign vegetables mentioned?
- What was sad for Columbus?
- Corn, tomatoes and ladies fingers are the foreign vegetables mentioned.
- Columbus was looking for India and black pepper, but he found South America and the chilli So, he was sad.
Answer the following question in 200-250 words:
"The best and most beautiful things in the world can't be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." Justify the famous quote of Helen Keller.
The poem is a satire against the present political class. How effectively does it convey the anger and anguish of the common man trapped in the system?
Using a dictionary/internet note down the main difference between farm and granary.
How do we realize that animals are not feeling well?
Apart from class/school, where else are you likely to find a time table useful?
Read the passage and name the following.
He composed the Illiad and Odyssey.
Find a sentence/word from the text which express the following.
Words related to prize.
Write a paragraph about 50 words describing the scenes that the poet passed by.
Write the correct form for the present perfect tense.
They ______ (start) playing.
What did Kamali get as gift?