Remembering that 1AD came immediately after 1BC, while solving these problems take 1BC as –1 and 1AD as +1.
Bhaskaracharya was born in the year 1114 AD and died in the year 1185 AD. What was his age when he died?
Taking 1 BC as –1 and 1 AD as +1
Born year = 1114 AD
Death year = 1185 AD
∴ Total age = 1185 – 1114 = 71 years
Write the proper sings >, < or = in the boxes below.
(1) –4 `square` 5 | (2) 8 `square` –10 | (3) +9 `square` +9 | (4) –6 `square` 0 |
(5) 7 `square` 4 | (6) 3 `square` 0 | (7) –7 `square` 7 | (8) –12 `square` 5 |
(9) –2 `square` –8 | (10) –1 `square` –2 | (11) 6 `square` −3 | (12) –14 `square` –14 |
Write the opposite of the following: A deposit of Rs 100
Add: -3596 and -1089
Find the sum of: −18, + 25 and −37
Find an integer a such that: 5 + a = 0
Simplify: 43 × (–33) + 43 × (–17)
Simplify: (–27) × (–16) + (–27) × (–14)
Divide: –121 by 11
Simplify: (−9) × 18 − (−9) × 8
The highest point measured above sea level is the summit of Mt. Everest which is 8,848 m above sea level and the lowest point is challenger Deep at the bottom of Mariana Trench which is 10911 m below sea level. What is the vertical distance between these two points?