
Rewrite the Following Sentences by Using Proper Substitute Given in the Bracket: Labour is ___________. - Economics



Rewrite the following sentences by using proper substitute given in the bracket: 

Labour is ___________. 


  • 1.Imperishable

  • 2.Perishable

  • 3.Convertible

  • 4.Non-convertible

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2009-2010 (October)


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Give two reasons as to why the division of labour is an advantage to the producer?

Suggest three methods to improve the efficiency of Indian labour.

With the help of a suitable example, explain the meaning of geographical or territorial division of labour.

Define simple division of labour.

Explain four important characteristics of labour as a factor of production.

Explain three causes of low efficiency of labour in India.

State Distinguish between the simple division of labour and complex division of labour?

Give reason or explain the following.

Labour cannot be stored.

State with reason whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. (any Three) 

There are many feature of labour. 

Define or explain the following concept:


State whether the following statement is TRUE and FALSE.

Labour and labourer are inseparable.

State any two factors that determine the Division of labour.

Which of the following is considered as labour in economics? Give a reason to support your answer.

  1. A professor working in a college.
  2. A social worker serving in an orphanage.

Define: Labour

Define the division of labour.

______ is known as Father of Economics.

______ cannot be stored.

______ is more perishable than other factors of production.

A wealth of Nations book written in the year ______.

Labour cannot be separated from the ______.

Why is the efficiency of labour low in India? (Any three points)

Indian farmers are an example of ______ type of labour.

“Specialization of labour helps the producers in their productive activities and is also beneficial to the workers". Justify the statement with two suitable reasons.

______ is an example of the geographical division of labour.

The productive capacity of a worker is called as ______.

Efficiency of labour is low in India due to ______.

The demand for labour is ______.

______ of labour is related to division of labour.

Labour is the only ______ factor of production.

______ of labour is advantages to workers as it increases their efficiency, mobility and saves their time and tools.

What kind of division of labour do we see in the automobile industry?

State four factors which determine the efficiency of labour.

With respect to the efficiency of labour answer the question that follow.

On what basis can the efficiency of labour be measured?

Differentiate between mental and physical labour.

Differentiate between an entrepreneur and labourer on the basis of the nature of work.

Which of the following is not considered labour in economics?

Observe the relationship of the first pair of words and complete the second pair.

Chartered Accountant : Skilled labour

Welder ______.

Complete division of labour cannot be implemented for ______.

Explain the following characteristic of labour:

Labour cannot be separated from the labourer.

Name two industries where division of labour is possible.

Give the different forms of division of labour.



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