Savings is done after fulfilling the______.
Savings is done after fulfilling the Basic needs.
Complete the following statements :
(ii) Maharashtra depends on India, because ................
Read the extract and do the activities that follow:
The duke senior and his follower were sitting down to a meal one day when Orlando rushed out from among the trees, his sword in his hand. ‘Stop, and cat no more!’ he cried. The Duke and his friends asked him what he wanted.
‘Food,’ said Orlando. ‘I am almost dying of hunger’. They asked him to sit down and eat, but he would not do so. He told them that his old servant was in the woods, dying of hunger. ‘I will not eat a bite until he has been fed,’ Orlando said.
So the good Duke and his followers helped him to bring Adam to their hiding-place, and Orlando and the old man were fed and taken care of. When the Duke learned that Orlando was a son of his old friend sir Rowland de Boys, he welcomed him gladly to his forest court.
Orlando lived happily with the Duke and his friends, but he had not forgotten the lovely Rosalind. She was always in his thoughts andevery day he wrote poetry about her pinning it on the trees in the forest. ‘These trees shall be my books,’ he said, ‘so that everyone who looks in the forest will be able to read how sweet and good Rosalind is’.
Rosalind and Celia found some of these poems pinned on the trees. At first they were puzzled, wondering who could have written them; but one day Celia came in from a walk with the news that she had seen Orlando sleeping under a tree, and she and Rosalind guessed that he must be the poet. Rosalind was happy to think that Orlando had not forggoten her, because she loved him as much as he loved her.
A1. Complete - (2)
Complete the following sentences:
(i) Rosalind was happy to think _______
(ii) The Duke and his followers helped Orlando to bring _________
(iii) Orlando pinned the poems written about Rosalind on ______
(iv) When the Duke cam to know that Orlando was a son of his old friend, he _________
A2. Write a gist: (2)
Write a gist of the above given extract in about 50 words.
What do you think is the message that the author seems to convey through the story?
'New Literature' is a misnomer for the wealth of the Indian Literary tradition. How does G. N. Devy explain this?
Make a list of the preparations made for an assault on Tiger Hill.
They also explored to ______________.
Read the following phrase and use it in a sentence of your own in proper form.
To voice something
Read the passage and answer the following:
Which book is introduced in the passage?
A turtle’s flippers help it to ______.
Try your own.
Pick out word which mean the same as
not protected (para 2)