State the circumstances when the team is declared to be defaulting. How is a set and a match decided in such a situation?
In volleyball, a team is declared to be defaulting (or forfeiting) under specific circumstances. Here are the typical situations:
- Circumstances Leading to a Team Defaulting:
- Insufficient Players: A team is unable to start the match with the minimum required number of players (usually six). If the team cannot field at least six players at any point during the match, it may be declared to default.
- Failure to Arrive on Time: The team does not arrive at the court within the designated time (often 15 minutes) after the scheduled start of the match.
- Refusal to Play: A team refuses to play or continues to refuse to play after being ordered to do so by the referee.
- Incomplete or Incorrect Equipment: The team is unable to provide the proper equipment or attire required to play the match.
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Extreme unsportsmanlike behavior or misconduct that results in a team being unable to continue the match can also lead to defaulting.
- Decision on Set and Match:
- If the Default Occurs Before the Match Starts:
- The team that defaults loses the match with a score of 0-3 in sets.
- Each set is recorded as 0-25 in favor of the opposing team.
- If the Default Occurs During the Match:
- The non-defaulting team is awarded all the remaining sets, with the score of each unfinished set recorded as 25-0 in their favor.
- The match result is recorded as 3-0 or 3-1 depending on how many sets had already been completed before the default occurred.
- If the Default Occurs Before the Match Starts:
These rules ensure that there is a clear and fair outcome when a team is unable or unwilling to continue the match under the established guidelines.
When is technical time out applied in a game?
After the serve, the ball just touches the net and lands on the side line of the opponent’s court instead of falling inside the play area. What will be the referee’s decision (in/out) and which team will be given a point?
If you score a point doing a spike, what is it called?
What do you mean by Expulsion from volleyball?
What is Blocking in volleyball?
Explain the following:
Technical time-out
List any three faults in the game of volleyball.
State any two types of delays in the game of volleyball.
Explain the following term in volleyball:
Positional fault
Mention any three duties of line judges in volleyball.
When is the ball considered "out"?
What is meant by service area?
What are side bands?
Who requests the referee for a substitution?
List any three duties of coach.
Explain the term ace.
Explain the following term in volleyball:
A catch
What is the height of the net?
What is the breadth of the net?
How many time-outs is a team allowed during a game?
You are playing a game and the official has held up both hands high above his head. What rule violation has happened?
Explain the term Assisted hit.
Explain the term Attack hit.
Draw a neat diagram of a volleyball net with the specification.
Explain the procedure to be followed, if a match is interrupted due to bad weather.
Explain the duties of Scorer.
Write the dimensions of the ball used in a game of volleyball.