
State Two Important Uses of Following Metal : Uses of Gold - Chemistry



State two important uses of following metal: 

Uses of gold  

One Line Answer


Uses of gold :

  • It is used for making jewellery and coins.
  • It is used in dentistry for filling cavities in teeth
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Chapter 6: Metals and Non-metals - Additional questions 2


Selina Concise Chemistry [English] Class 7 ICSE
Chapter 6 Metals and Non-metals
Additional questions 2 | Q 3.01


State one use of  Iron.

Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ for the following statement. 

Iodine acts as an antiseptic in the form of a tincture of iodine. 

Statements given below are incorrect. Write the correct statements : 

Bronze is a mixture of 10% copper, 80% zinc and 10% tin.  

State two important uses of following metal 

 Uses of aluminium

State the position of the following in the periodic table:

Alkali metals

State the position of the following in the periodic table:


Give the general characteristics of:

Alkaline earth metals with reference to

(i) bonding
(ii) action of air
(iii) action of water
(iv) action of acid

Why are alkali metals kept in kerosene oil?

Write scientific reason.

Sodium is always kept in kerosene.

Which is the non-ionic compound in the compounds given below.
AgNO3 + Nacl → AgCl + NaNO3

What was Mendeleev's basis for the classification of elements?

State the position of the following in the periodic table:


Give reasons for the following:
Most metals conduct electricity well.

Name the following:

A metal used in packaging.

Name the following:

The chemical compound responsible for the green deposit on the surface of articles of copper.

On heating which of the following substances i.e. copper carbonate, zinc carbonate, washing soda, copper sulphate, zinc nitrate, copper nitrate, lead nitrate, ammonium chloride and ammonium dichromate – relate to the reaction given below.

An amorphous substance which turns from pale green to black on strong heating evolving a colourless, acidic gas as the only gaseous product.

When a copper coin is dipped in the solution of silver nitrate, it shows a lustre on its surface. Explain this process with the help of a chemical equation.

Complete the following flow chart.

Which metals are liquid at room temperature?



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