The adjoining diagram shows a ray AB. Draw diagrams to show the line AB.
The shaded region of the given figure shows a plane:
State whether true or false of the following statement:
(i) Line DE is contained in the given plane P.
(ii) Lines AB and DE intersect at point C.
(iii) Points D, B and C are collinear.
(iv) Points D, B and E are collinear.
State, whether the following pair of line or ray appear to be parallel or intersecting.
Mark two points A and B on a page of your exercise book. Mark a third point P, such that:
P does not lie between A and B yet the three points are collinear.
The figure is given below name the line segment that is a perpendicular bisector of the other:
Using the given figure, answer the following:
Name the pairs of parallel lines.
Check your text book and How many pairs of its edges are perpendicular to each other?
Draw two straight lines on a sheet of paper so that the lines drawn the intersect each other.
Draw a four-sided closed figure, in which all the sides are equal and each angle is 90° and also give the special name of the figure drawn.
A line is denoted as
Consider the following figure of line \[\overleftrightarrow{MN}\]. Say whether the following statement is true or false in the context of the given figure.
Q, M, O, N, and P are points on the line \[\overleftrightarrow{MN}\].