The buoyant force experienced by a body when floating in saltwater is ....... to or same that of when floating in pure water.
The buoyant force experienced by a body when floating in salt water is equal to or same that of when floating in pure water.
The weight of a body floating in a liquid is ........
A plastic cube is released into the water. Will it sink or come to the surface of the water?
State whether thrust is a scalar or vector?
State whether pressure is a scalar or vector?
Explain the following statement:
Sleepers are laid below the rails.
Pressure at the free surface of a water lake is P1, while at a point at depth h below its free surface is P2. (a) How are P1 and P2 related? (b)Which is more P1 or P2?
Complete the following sentence :
Pressure at all points at the same depth is ....................
What is meant by the term buoyancy?
Figure shows the same block of wood floating in three different liquids A, B and C of densities ρ1, ρ2 and ρ3 respectively. Which of the liquid has the highest density? Give a reason for your answer.
The base of the cylindrical vessel measures 300 cm2. Water is poured into it up to a depth of 6 cm. Calculate the pressure of water on the base in the vessel.