The diagram below in Fig. 4.12 shows a device which makes the use of the principle of transmission of pressure.
- Name the parts labelled by the letters X and Y.
- Describe what happens to valves A and B and to the quantity of water in the two cylinders when the lever arm is moved down.
- Give reasons for what happens to valves A and B in part (ii).
- What happens when the release valve is opened?
- What happens to valve B in cylinder P when the lever arm is moved up?
- Give a reason for your answer in part (v).
- State one use of the above device.
- X : Press Plunger; Y: Pump Plunger
- When the lever is moved down, valve B closes and valve A opens, so the water from cylinder P is forced into cylinder Q.
- Valve B closes due to an increase in pressure in cylinder P. This pressure is transmitted to the connecting pipe and when the pressure in connecting pipe becomes greater than the pressure in cylinder Q, valve A opens up.
- When the release valve is opened, the ram (or press) plunger Q gets lowered and water of cylinder Q runs out in the reservoir.
- When the lever arm is moved up valve B opens upwards.
- When the lever arm is moved up valve B opens upward because the pressure in cylinder P decreases.
- An hydraulic press is used for pressing cotton bales and goods like quilts, books, etc.
Why does a block of wood held under water rise to the surface when released ?
Why do we feel light on our feet when standing in a swimming pool with water up to our armpits ?
A piece of wood floats on water. The buoyant force on wood will be
The density of water is 1.0 g Cm-3. The density of iron is 7.8 × 10″3 g Cm-3. The density of mercury is 13.6 g Cm-3.
Answer the following:
Will a piece of iron float or sink in mercury?
Differentiate between thrust and pressure.
Why is the tip of an allpin made sharp?
Write an expression for the pressure at a point inside a liquid. Explain the meaning of the symbols used.
Deduce an expression for the pressure at depth inside a liquid.
What is meant by the term buoyancy?
A piece of wood if left under water comes to the surface. Explain the reason.