The period of Kalabhra is not a dark age. Give reasons.
Answer in Brief
- Following the Sangam period, the Kalabhras had occupied Tamil Country for about two and half centuries.
- There is evidence of their rule in literary texts.
- The literary sources for this period include Tamil Navalar Charithai, Yapemkalam, and Periapuranam.
- Seevakachinthamani and Kundalakesi were also written during this period.
- In Tamizhagam, Jainism and Buddhism became prominent during this period
- The introduction of Sanskrit and Prakrit languages had resulted in the development of a new script called Vattezhuththu.
- Many works under Pathinenkeezhkanakku were composed.
- Trade and commerce continued to flourish during this period.
- So the Kalabhra period is not a dark age, as it is portrayed.
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Assertion (A): The Kalabhra period is not a dark age.
Reason (R): It is known about the literary sources, new script, and flourishing of trade and commerce.
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