Maharashtra State BoardSSC (English Medium) 9th Standard

Think and write in your own words. In which season does a greenwood turn to a yellow wood? Which stage in our life can be compared to that season? - English



Think and write in your own words.

In which season does a greenwood turn to a yellow wood? Which stage in our life can be compared to that season?

Short Note


Greenwood turns yellow during the autumn season. Old age can be compared to the autumn season because green leaves turning yellow signifies that life of the leaf is coming to an end similarly old age signifies a person is nearing the stage of death.

Writing Skills
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Chapter 3.3: The Road Not Taken - English Workshop [Page 71]


Balbharati English - Kumarbharati 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken
English Workshop | Q 4. (a) | Page 71


Walter Scott appears sympathetic to Isaac's troubles. How does Scott highlight the treatment given to Jews through the character of Isaac? 

Write down the consequences of the following occurrences with the help of the play.

Mayor Peter Stockmann persuades Mr. Hovstad and Mr. Billing from printing the article.

Given in a mixed order below are some good human attributes of the family. Pick out from the box and write it against the line that reflects it.

Ten years had passed and the young boys grew to be young men and their parents were proud of them.

Imagine Taffy comes to you for help to write a letter of apology, in the modern script we use. She wants to express her regret to the stranger-man for her mother’s action. Write that letter of apology (informal) on her behalf.

Form groups of 5. Find at least two fairy tales/folk tales each and share them with other members of your group. Make a collection of 10 different stories in each group.

“I met you yesterday.” Sam told me that he had met me ______

Imagine a conversation among your friends about the four characters in the play – Tabaqui, Shere Khan, Mother Wolf and Father Wolf. Use the hints to write it.

  • The characters' entry in the play. 
  • Compare and contrast their character traits. 
  • The reaction of the characters on seeing the man cub.

Let's write a poem.

I have a kite but need a friend to fly it with,
I know a song but need someone to hear it,
I have a ball but need someone to catch it,
I ______
I ______
I ______
I ______

Some words have similar sound, but different meaning. Choose the correct word from the option and fill in the blank.

The squirrel has a long ______.

Why did the author go to the photo studio?



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