What is declination ? Draw a diagram to show the angle between the declination and true direction of geographic north.
Magnetic declination is the angle of the horizontal plane between the magnetic North and the geographic North (or true North). This angle is shown in figure by symbol θ.
The angle of declination is different at different places on the earth surface and it also changes at a place with time. The declination is taken positive if the magnetic North is towards the east of the true North as in figure and is negative if the magnetic north if towards the west of the true North.
Fill in the blank
To light a table lamp and to run a refrigerator, we use ______ as the source of electricity.
You are given a magnet. How will you use it to find north-south direction at a place?
How are the magnets kept safely? What is the role of keepers in storing the magnets?
Which magnet will you use?
A window shutter opens and shuts continuously in the wind.
The alloys called ______ and ______ are used for making industrial magnets.
Define the following term:
Angle of dip
Explain the following:
Resistance of a conductor
People who made mariner’s compass for the first time.
The south pole of a bar magnet and the north pole of a U-shaped magnet will _______.
Why it is not advisable to slide a magnet on an iron bar back and forth during magnetising it?