What evidence is found for us to know about the following:
Dress and Ornaments were worn by the people.
In the context of the mentioned headlines in the question evidence that are found are described below:
The various sculptured figures show that people used to wear a simple dress. Men used two pieces of cloth; the upper garment, that was a shawl which was drawn over the left shoulder and under the right arm; the lower garment resembled a modem dhoti. The female dress did not differ much from that of the male. Women used a loin cloth bound by a girdle. Common fabrics were commonly used, perhaps wool was also used. Male and female both were fond of wearing ornaments. Gold, silver, copper, other metals, and precious stones were used for making various ornaments of different designs. Men and women used to wear necklaces, finger-rings, and armlets. Women decorated themselves with a head-dress, earrings, bangles, bracelets, girdles, and anklets.
Give one evidence to show that the Harappan people excelled in the art of sculpture in the following:
In metal
What is the evidence to suggest that the Harappan people worshipped trees and animals?
Describe the social life of the Harappan people with reference to:
Their Dress.
Describe the social life of the Harappan people with reference to:
Sports and Games.
Write a note on the religious beliefs and practices of the Harappan people with reference to:
Worship of Trees and Animals.
Name two important sources of information on the Harappan Civilisation.
Name the process by which sculpture in metal was done.
With reference to the religious belief of the Harappans, state the following:
Their belief in Mother Goddess.
The Seals may be considered as the most valuable finds of the Harappan Civilization. In this context give:
Reasons why the Seals are important.
With reference to the source of information about the Harappan Civilisation, describe the significance of the following: