What is meant by ‘Serfdom’?
‘Serfdom’ means, working of people on their master’s land and not to leave without his permission.
Mention any two effects of the Industrial Revolution on the general public.
What were the two factors that led to an increase in demand for British goods?
What was the significance of the weaving loom, invented by Edmund Cartwright?
When was Penny Postage introduced in England?
Mention any two cases of abuse or disadvantages of the Industrial Revolution.
Mention any two main activities of a modern Welfare State.
The Industrial Revolution marked a change from handwork to machine work and from the domestic system of production to a factory system of production. In this context, discuss the role of the following factor in ushering in the Industrial Revolution.
Invention of machines
With reference to the Industrial Revolution in England, state the role of the following factor:
Growth of population
The Industrial Revolution changed the face of life in England. Describe the course of revolution under the following head:
Revolution in Textile Industry.
Examine the advantage of the Factory System (Industrial Revolution) under the following heading:
Production in Large Quantities.