
What is the importance/ function of a solar reflector? - Science and Technology 2



Solar reflectors are important, why?

What is the importance/ function of a solar reflector?

One Line Answer


The solar panel consists of many reflectors that reflect and concentrate solar radiations on absorbers.

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Chapter 5: Towards Green Energy - Answer the following questions


SCERT Maharashtra Science and Technology 2 [English] 10 Standard SSC
Chapter 5 Towards Green Energy
Answer the following questions | Q 8
SCERT Maharashtra Science and Technology 2 [English] 10 Standard SSC
Chapter 5 Towards Green Energy
Answer in one sentence | Q 8


What kind of mirror – concave, convex or plain – would be best suited for use in a solar cooker? Why?

A solar water heater cannot be used to get hot water on

Why is the copper tube of a solar water heater painted black from outside? 

What type of reactions occurring inside the sun produce solar energy? 

What is the range of temperature which can be achieved in a box-type solar cooker in two to three hours?

Fill in the following blank with suitable word:
A solar cell converts ................ energy into ................ energy.

 Name that part of a box-type solar cooler which allow the sun's heat rays to enter the box but does not allow inside heat to go out.

 What is a solar cell? Draw the labelled diagram of a solar cell. 

 Write the uses of solar cells. 

What is solar constant? What is the value of solar constant?

 With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the construction and working of a solar cooker.

Why is the solar cooker box painted black from inside?

If the solar constant is 1.4 kW/m2 then solar energy recived by 1m2area in one hour is:

(a) 5040 J
(b) 504.0 kJ
(c) 5040 kJ
(d) 5.04 kJ

A solar cooker may not cook food if

(a) the solar cooker is not placed in the shade
(b) the glass sheet cover of solar cooker is not closed
(c) a convex mirror reflector is not used

Name two devices which can be utilised for the cooking of food so as to save fuel.

Observe the connections of cells shown in the following images.
i. Which connection will give maximum potential difference?
ii. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of this energy.

Two statements are given - one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R).
Assertion (A): A solar cooker cooks the meal due to the greenhouse effect.
Reason (R): The plane mirror is responsible for producing the greenhouse effect.

What are the major utilizers of solar energy in the world?

Make a table based on forms of energy and corresponding devices:

  Forms of Energy Devices
a. Electric _________
b. Mechanical Sewing machine, Bicycle
c. Thermal __________
d. _________ Solar cooker, Solar heater

A silicon solar cell of dimension 1 sq.cm. generates a current of about ___________.

A silicon solar cell of dimension 1 sq.cm. generates __________ potential difference.

Power available from solar cells : DC : : power require to run domestic equipments : _________

State the importance of inverters.

Solar energy is a non depleting energy. Justify.

Solar energy is a renewable energy. How?

What is the disadvantage of solar energy?

Which one of the following forms of energy leads to least environmental pollution in the process of its harnessing and utilisation?

______ is not harmful to the environment.

Kamuthi solar power project is situated in ______ district in Tamil Nadu.

The installed capacity of the Kamuthi solar power project is ______ MW.

Write a note on Kamuthi Solar Project.

Observe the figure and label it properly:

  1. What is the figure related to?
  2. Why are reflectors used?
  3. Draw a flow chart showing different stages in such a process.
  4. How is the process used to generate electricity?
  5. What other method can be used to generate electricity using the same energy source?



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