Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationSSLC (English Medium) Class 10

What values did the child learn? - English



What values did the child learn?

One Line Answer


He learned the value of finishing what he started and the joy of personal accomplishment.

Reading Skills
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Chapter 4.1: The Attic - Reading [Page 111]


Samacheer Kalvi English Class 10 SSLC TN Board
Chapter 4.1 The Attic
Reading | Q P. 2. | Page 111


Why do you think the poet has used so many 'negatives' to make his statement?

Describe the following with the help of the story.

The rich young man

Who is the speaker in the poem?

Start a collection of new and interesting words. Write the words in colored ink on cards of equal size and arrange them in alphabetical order. Try to use the words in your writing or conversation from time to time.

Why is Great January annoyed with Holena and her mother? Does he help them?

Look at the following situations the writer was in. He could have avoided the situation and saved himself. Glance through the write up again and comment on what the writer should have done in the following situations.

  1. Gilson asked the writer to bring a tie.
  2. On the day of arrival, the writer had no time to think about the tie.
  3. The writer remembered about the tie when the bus was leaving for the airport.
  4. The writer walked down in search of the shop.
  5. The writer rushed out with the tie in a paper bag.

Is TV and video game the only way to pass time? Can we do something else?

______ over heard her father’s talking on the phone about the robbery.

Choose the correct picture for the passage.

There is a table under a tree. A man with a big hat and a hare with long ears are sitting. A young girl is sitting between them. There are many cups on the table. The girl has a cup in her hand, and the man has a pot in his hand. It seems like they are having tea. Yes, they are having tea at the tea party in Wonderland. The girl is Alice, and she is in Wonderland.

Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following.

  1. a malevolent desire for revenge (para 1)
  2. tactful (para 2)
  3. despise (para 3)



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