Where was the author when he heard the noise?
The author had just stepped out of the bathtub, when he heard the noise.
Read the extract 'Being Neighborly' and complete the following statement:
To Jo, the fine house seemed like ______.
Apart from the children, no other human beings are mentioned in the poem. However, many natural elements are shown to act like persons. Name them and also write what they do.
List all the words specially used in the game of Kabaddi.
Read the passage and answer the following question:
What is seen on the obverse and reverse of the PVC medal?
What do you think is going to happen next?
Why does the writer think that the peepul tree is a great show off?
What did the five friends call themselves?
Choose and write the adverbs to complete the sentence.
The lion fought _____.
______always stays to the last in our needs.
Choose the right word.
Tansen was a famous ______.