Which part of an organic compound determines physical properties?
The alkyl group determines the physical properties.
Write the equations to show what happens when ethyne gas reacts with
Excess of hydrochloric acid
What type of reaction is common to both of these compounds?
Copy and complete the following sentence:
A saturated hydrocarbon will undergo _______reactions, whereas the typical reaction of an unsaturated hydrocarbon is _______.
What would you see when ethyne is bubbled through a solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride?
State what do you observe ethene is bubbled through a solution of bromine in terachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride)
Write the equation of the following laboratory preparation:
Ethane from sodium propionate
Name the organic compound prepared by each of the following reactions:
\[\ce{CH3I + 2H- ->}\]
Identify the underlined substance.
An organic compound containing -COOH functional group.
Name the compound prepared by the following reaction:
CO + 2H2 (Zinc oxide catalyst) →
The IUPAC name of an organic compound is 3-Methyl butan-1-ol. What type of compound it is?