Who organised the East India Association in London? When and why was it organized?
Who founded the ‘East India Association’?
Name the regional association Dadabhai Naoroji was associated with.
Dadabhai Naoroji organized the East India Association in London. It was organized in 1866. Dadabhai Naoroji felt that the British were basically just and fair, but he wanted to make the British conscious towards the grievances of Indian people so that they could find a remedy for their ills.
Where and when did the National Conference founded by Surendranath Banerjee has its first meeting?
Who is called the ‘Father of the Nationalist Movement’ in India?
When was the Servants of Indian Society founded? Who was its founder?
Who founded the servants of Indian Society?
Discuss in brief about the organization, established by Gopal Krishna Gokhale to educate and to arouse national awakening among the people.
Identify the Early Nationalist leader.
Dadabhai Naoroji is also known as ______.
Name any two leaders of the Congress who are known as 'Early Nationalists'.
List briefly any two causes that Gopal Krishna Gokhale supported.
Gopal Krishna Gokhale, the political mentor of Gandhiji, was one of the most popular Early Nationalist leaders. In this context, answer the following:
- State three policies of the imperial regime, which were opposed by Gokliale.
- What role did he play as a member of the Imperial Legislative Council?
- How did he try to arouse national awakening?
Picture Study
- Identify the person in the picture and state what he is popularly known as.
- His achievement in strengthening Indian nationalism.
- His views on the cause of poverty in India.