With the decline in the population of fig species it was noticed that the population of wasp species also started to decline. What is the relationship between the two and what could be the possible reason for decline of wasps?
The relationship between the plant and pollinator is called mutualism. Fig depends on wasp for pollination, and wasp depends on fig for food and shelter.
With the decline in population of figs, wasp loses its source of food and shelter.
Define population growth. Explain different types of age pyramids.
Explain parasitism.
Using '-' to depict inhibition and '+' to depict benefit, mutualism between two species can be represented as ____________.
Identify the morphological means of defence to avoid herbivores shown by plants.
Identify the type of negative interaction.
Which one of the following is NOT an example of commensalism?
Which one of the following pair does NOT show commensalism?
Which of the following is not an example of commensalism?
What is commensalism?
Complete the following chart regarding population interaction and re-write:
Sr. No. | Name of interaction | Interaction between |
1. | ? | Plasmodium and Man |
2. | ? | Leopard and Lion |
3. | ? | Clownfish and Sea-anemone |