Write a word or a term or a phrase which can substitute the following statement.
Pre-emptive right given to existing Equity shareholders to subscribe to new issue of shares by company.
Pre-emptive right given to existing Equity shareholders to subscribe to new issue of shares by company. - Rights Issue of shares
Under _________ method, issue price of shares is based on bidding.
Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statement.
______ are offered to permanent employees, Directors and Officers of a company.
State whether the following statement is true or false.
Floor price is the highest bid price under Book Building method.
Find the odd one.
Answer in one sentence.
What is meant by private placement?
Answer in one sentence.
To whom can a company issue Bonus Shares?
Answer in one sentence.
What is the subsequent issue after IPO called as?
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence.
Under Fixed price issue method, the price of shares is fixed through bidding process
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence:
FPO refers to offering of shares to the public for the first time.
Explain the following term/concept.
Minimum subscription
Explain the following term/concept.
Further Public Offer
Explain the following term/concept.
Private placement
Answer in brief.
State the provisions related to Bonus Shares.
Answer the following question.
Explain briefly the different types of shares offered by a company to its existing equity shareholders.
Explain the following term/concept.
Employee Stock Purchase Scheme
Give one word or phrase for the following sentence:
Process of offering shares of the company to the public for the first time.
What is Employee Stock Purchase scheme?
Sai Ltd. Company is newly incorporated public company and wants to raise capital by selling equity shares to the public. The Board of Directors are considering various options for this. Advise the Board on the following matters:
- What should the company offer – IPO or FPO?
- Can the company offer Bonus shares to raise its capital?
- Can the company enter into Underwriting Agreement?