Maharashtra State BoardSSC (English Medium) 6th Standard

Write about the various wheel-like objects you see at home, in school and on the road. - English



Write about the various wheel-like objects you see at home, in school, and on the road.

One Line Answer


Fan, tap, a tub of the washing machine, the steering wheel of vehicles, etc.

Reading Skills
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Chapter 3.1: It Can Be Done - A Project : wheel [Page 50]


Balbharati English 6 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 3.1 It Can Be Done
A Project : wheel | Q 7 | Page 50


What is the meaning of the line “Both wry with the laboured ease of loss”.

Find from the story one word for the following.

a very narrow passage between buildings ______

Read 'The City Planners' by Margaret Atwood.

Relate the themes of the Fair to your science textbook by writing the relevant chapter numbers under each theme.

What did Grandmother feel about trees growing in the house?

Karmugilan went to __________ for higher studies.

Does it work its best?

Who were the friends referred in the story?

Are these sentence TRUE or FALSE

The poet tells the child to think of friends after it is dark.

Now read the following article on the emerging career options in the modern era and answer the questions that follow.

The students at the higher secondary level in schools start thinking of suitable courses to take up at the university level based on their aptitude, ability, and interests. While considering the higher education options, they should also plan the career path they wish to take. In today’s complex job scenario, there is a mismatch between demand and supply. On one hand, we have qualified professionals desperately trying to find a job, while on the other hand, there are many professions that need suitable talented employees. But such skilled employees are unavailable. Therefore, the need of the hour is that students have an understanding of the emerging career options. and globalisation has widened the scope of career options in the twenty–first century. Let us consider some popular careers.

Fashion Designing

The current cosmopolitan and fashion–conscious wave that has taken over our country has opened up a huge arena for careers in fashion. These careers encompass designing clothes, costumes, jewellery, footwear, wardrobe, cosmetics, accessories and the like.

Culinary Arts

With food and cookery shows being a major trend across the world, culinary arts, a sub-domain of the hospitality sector, has now become the most sought-after career.

Paramedical sciences

In recent times, there has been a great demand in the health care industry. Paramedical professionals who support medical practitioners in areas such as optometry, pathology, nursing, physiotherapy, and dentistry are much sought after.

Media, Journalism and Advertising

In this information era, print and entertainment media have become a force to reckon with. This arena has become a huge career playground because youngsters are attracted to it as the exposure and reach are greater through such mass media. We notice that radio and TV channels, internet companies, and advertising agencies are increasingly recruiting qualified professionals.

Hotel Management

The hotel industry is the fastest-growing industry in India. The number of international travellers (both for business and leisure) is increasing. The hospitality and service industry offers career options such as house keeping, front-desk executives, tourism management, etc.

Sports Management

With multinational companies supporting sports, careers in sports offer enormous scope. One need not be a player or an athlete to shine in a sports career because the field of sports offers various career options such as technical trainers, commentators, sports journalists, dieticians, referees, etc. Conducting sports events successfully, organizing the event laudably, preparing the ground for the event are all part of sports management.

  1. When do students start thinking about their career path?
  2. How can students build a strong career?
  3. What are the integral aspects of a successful career?
  4. What is meant by ‘culinary art’?
  5. Why is media a popular career option?
  6. Name some paramedical courses mentioned in the passage.
  7. Why is the hotel industry seen as the fastest growing in India?
  8. Does one have to be a player to opt for a career in the field of sports? Answer giving reasons.
  9. Pick one word from the passage which is the opposite of ‘modern’.
  10. Which word in the passage means ‘composed of people from many parts of the country’?



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