
Write a Summary of the Above Passage in About 100 Words. - English Core



Write a summary of the above passage in about 100 words. 

Answer in Brief


This passage tells us the importance of water. How much to drink? It also tells us about every persons  requirement being different hence consumption depends of body requirement and also on climatic conditions  where body needs to be hydrated and if no proper water consumption is taken people might lead to  malfunctioning of the kidney. It can also cause many other problems or also may lead to death. This passage  also tells us about how people are suffering from scarcity of water in different places and how we need to  save water or else after a few days we won’t have water to drink.

Reading Skills
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2018-2019 (March) 1/3/1


Read the following extract and do the given activities: 
B.1) Fill in the Balloons with suitable ideas from the poem: 

“Oh, the value of the elderly! How could anyone not know?
They hold so many keys, so many things they can show.
We all will read the other side this I firmly believe
And the elderly are closest oh what clues we could retrieve.
For their characters are closest to how we’ll be on high.
They are the ones most developed, you can see it if you try.
They’ve let go of the frivolous and kept things that are dear
The memories of so sweet, of loved ones that were near.
As a nation, we are missing our greatest true resource,
To get to know our elders and let them guide our course.”

B.2) Find Evidence:
Pick out the line from the extract which supports the given ideas:
(i) The elders have many things to share.
(ii) Everybody knows the value of elderly people.
(iii) The elderly people have vast experience.
(iv) The elderly people are a boon to the nation. 

B.3) Write a pair from the extract that rhymes with the given word: 

Fear  ........................... ..........................

Notice these expression in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.
salt flats

Guess the meaning of the following word:
In which language are these word found? 

The story begins with a description of the setting. How does this serve as a fitting prelude to the events described in the story?

Select any one of the famous personalities mentioned in ‘Warming up 1’ on page no. 5. From the library or internet find out their success story. Write it in your own words in about 20 to 30 lines of your notebook.
Give your write-up a suitable title.

Answer in your own words.

In what ways is Ashangbi different from other women of her community?

Answer the given question in your own words.

Why did the Swallow finally decide not to leave the Prince?

Find at least two things from the poem that show the following:

It is the early morning.

Fill in the gap, choosing a word from the bracket to make an appropriate comparison.

(tall / quiet / humble / merry / busy / slippery / fast / sly / slow / big)

as ______ as an elephant

Write about how your family supports you to go to school.

The man in the moon is mentioned in many nursery rhymes and stories. When people see the spots on the surface of the moon, they imagine that it’s a human face or the figure of a man who lives on the moon. Sometimes, other characters like rabbits are also imagined to live with the man. Here are two nursery rhymes about the man on the moon.

Antonio had gone on a long voyage. 

Read the passage aloud playing the roles of the different characters.

Read the passage and name the following.

He persuaded Helen to elope with him.

Talk about the good qualities of any one person you do not like. (You need not name the person.)

A parody is a playful, comic imitation of a writer’s style. A parody is like a verbal cartoon. Compare the original poem and its parody given on page 35 using the following points:

How doth the little busy bee

How doth the little crocodile
Choice of a subject (an animal) __________________
__________________ __________________
Number of lines and stanzas __________________
__________________ __________________
Same or similar constructions __________________
__________________ __________________
Tone of the poem __________________
__________________ __________________

Answer in your own words.

Why does a mother tell Neel about his Grandpa?

Write other meaningful words that begin/end with stepmother.

Write what the lark does.

Guess the meaning of the following word. 


Look at the following situations the writer was in. He could have avoided the situation and saved himself. Glance through the write up again and comment on what the writer should have done in the following situations.

  1. Gilson asked the writer to bring a tie.
  2. On the day of arrival, the writer had no time to think about the tie.
  3. The writer remembered about the tie when the bus was leaving for the airport.
  4. The writer walked down in search of the shop.
  5. The writer rushed out with the tie in a paper bag.

What was the e-mail message sent to Somu by Dr.Krishnan?

With their treasure, the boys would buy ______ in Eidgah.

Grandmother had wanted the peepul tree cut down because______.

A school-going girl writes the diary account.

Complete the sentence given below with word/phrase.

The hole in the ground was filled______.

How should we treat everyone?

Find the rhyming word from the poem.

alike – _________

What will you do if someone ensnares birds?



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