You have been shortlisted for a scholarship to attend an online course in developing English speaking skills from the American Embassy in India. You always wanted to learn English from expert teachers in India and from native American trainers. The final selection will be made as per the statements of purpose given by the shortlisted candidates. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get entry to the course.
Ever since I was a child, I have been my family’s English translator. My love for English literature is endless. From ‘Famous Five’ to ‘Moby Dick’ and Shakespeare’s plays, I love it all. The language and its literature have fascinated me so much that I have decided to pursue a career within the language. India has a good number of schools and colleges with English as the base and first language, but not every student gets the opportunity to get enrolled in those schools.
As a kid, I always took part in competitions like Essay, Story and other forms of creative writing, Elocution and Debates. I have won several prizes for the same too. I was also the Head of my school magazine. I have worked as a freelance Content Writer for almost a year. I did an internship under Free word Publishers, where I was guided by experts of the field. I learnt essential skills, developed my vocabulary, and improved my linguistics while working with them.
I began a book reading club in my neighborhood two years ago, with the aim of helping people improve their English communication. The response was low initially. But after a few people benefitted from it, the word spread and today, we are nearly 300+ members with 5 branches across the city. Along with book readings, we also discuss books and introduce new words, leading to spoken English practice.
I wish to change the scenario of the English language in India, helping others to benefit and there is nowhere better for me to learn from than the American Embassy in India. I wish to develop a spoken and written English program for people who move to other countries, helping them adjust easily. I am the ideal candidate for your course, and getting selected in this scholarship program, would make my dream come true.
Match the professions with the desired qualities.
Profession | Qualities |
1. Businessman | a. reading, experimenting, research |
2. Artist | b. alert, investigative, love for physical activity |
3. Advocate | c. convincing, selling, risk-taking |
4. Police | d. imaginative, creative, thinking out of the box |
5. Scientist | e. logical reasoning, oratory, critical thinking |
What is your career goal?
Which of your qualities would help you in achieving your career goal?
List the obstacles which might hamper in achieving your goal/s in life. One is done for you.
Discuss and exchange your views with your partner about your career plan.
You must have decided your aim in life. Which institute/university would you like to join for your diploma / graduation? Write a Statement of Purpose as a part of your application to the institute/ university.
Read the dialogue given below and fill in the blanks with the appropriate job terms given above.
Varsha: Vivek, what kind of job are you looking for?
Vivek: Varsha, I want to _______ I don’t like a _______ My present job is not challenging. I am _______ I am not afraid of a _______ and I am a good _______ Moreover this is a _______ I am looking for an opportunity to try new winds
Read the personal detail given below and prepare a suitable Statement of Purpose.
University of Bath, UK is one of the leading Universities for Business Studies. You belong to a business family - wish to start your own business carry forward your family business in the future. In your junior college, you have opted for commerce, scored well in your Std X Board Examination you made a profit in the stall you had put up in the business fair organized by your school/college. Your hobbies are playing cricket/hockey, you get along well with people.
Read the personal detail given below and prepare a suitable Statement of Purpose.
You are an avid animal lover. You have a pet dog and some love birds at home. You are extremely fond of them. You have been a member of bird watcher’s club. You have loved going on a safari. You have taken care of orphan animals, or animals who are hurt. In school you loved Biology. You wish to make a career in this field. The University of Cambridge offers an excellent course/program which would boost your career. Make a Statement of Purpose which will help you to get admission to this University.
Browse different websites and find out the universities offering best courses in Life Sciences, Arts, Sports, Music, Engineering and Medicine. Collect and share any other additional information related to the course which seems important.
You are highly passionate towards becoming a successful entrepreneur and therefore want to peruse your higher education in “Business Management”. Your background and skills have motivated you towards business and now you seek admission to accomplish a degree in “Business Management” at a reputed university. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.
You have great thirst for knowledge in a foreign language of your own choice. You are also prepared to peruse your education abroad for the same. You are therefore seeking a university for a degree in a foreign language of your choice. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.
You have developed good skills in English Language. You think of directing your skills for more specific goals. Now you aspire for a degree in “Mass Communication” at a specific university which provides this programme. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.
There are limited vacancies for getting admission to a well-known music and dance academy in Mumbai. Dancing is your passion and you always wanted to pursue career in music and dance. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to join the academy.
You are so much interested in fashion designing. You have also participated in various competitions and have shown your talent. Your friend ls assisting you to make the career in fashion designing.
Draft a statement of purpose that will help you to get admission for the course in fashion designing at M. Rajeshwar College Arts, Hubli, Karnataka.
Statement of Purpose:
You have a special interest in journalism. You are planning to go for a degree course in mass communication and work in future especially in the field of crime reporting. You have heard about the reputed ‘Royal Institute of Mass-communication’ in the United Kingdom.
Prepare a statement of purpose in about 150 words to get admission in the Institute.
Imagine, after your HSC, you wish to pursue a degree in 'Bachelors in Communication Skills', in a reputed university in India or abroad.
Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ (SOP) in about 150 words which will help you to get admission in your dream university.