English Medium
Academic Year: 2021-2022
Date & Time: 14th May 2022, 10:30 am
Duration: 2h
General Instructions:
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:
- There are 13 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
- This question paper is divided into 5 Sections - A, B, C, D, and E.
- Section A - Questions no. 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions of 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
- Section B - Questions no. 6 to 8 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
- Section C - Questions no. 9 and 10 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
- Section D - Questions no. 11 and 12 are Case Based on questions, carrying 4 marks each.
- Section E - Question no. 13 is map-based, carrying 3 marks with two parts, 13.1 from History (1 mark) and 132 from Geography (2 marks).
- There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions has to be attempted.
Mention any two causes that led to the Civil Disobedience Movement.
Chapter: [0.02] Nationalism in India
Why is Aluminum smelting the second most important metallurgical industry in India? Explain.
Chapter: [0.06] Manufacturing Industries [0.06] Manufacturing Industries
Differentiate between ruling and opposition parties.
Chapter: [0.06] Political Parties
Classify industries on the basis of raw materials.
Chapter: [0.06] Manufacturing Industries [0.06] Manufacturing Industries
A House Loan Megha has taken a loan of 75 lakhs from the bank to purchase a house. The annual interest rate on the loan is 12 percent and the loan is to be repaid in 10 years in monthly instalments. Megha had to submit to the bank, documents showing her employment records and salary before the bank agreed to give her the loan. The bank retained as collateral the papers of the new house, which will be returned to Megha only when she repays the entire loan with interest. |
- From which source of credit Megha has taken loan?
- Explain the terms of credit given in the source.
Chapter: [0.03] Money and Credit
Explain, why the banks do not lend credit to certain borrowers.
Chapter: [0.03] Money and Credit
Explain the functions of "Self Help Group".
Chapter: [0.03] Money and Credit
How did different social groups participate in Civil Disobedience Movement? Explain with examples.
Chapter: [0.02] Nationalism in India
Explain, how the rise of political parties are directly linked to the emergence of representative democracies.
Chapter: [0.06] Political Parties
"Democracy is better than any other alternative government." Justify the statement.
Chapter: [0.07] Outcomes of Democracy
How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Chapter: [0.07] Outcomes of Democracy
"Technology is the vital force in the modern form of globalisation." Explain the statement with suitable examples.
Chapter: [0.04] Globalisation and the Indian Economy
“The impact of globalisation has not been uniform.” Explain this statement.
Chapter: [0.04] Globalisation and the Indian Economy
Nationalism in India Modern nationalism in Europe came to be associated with the formation of nation-states. It also meant a change in people' understanding of who they were and what defined their identity and sense of belonging. New symbols and icons, new songs and ideas forged new links and redefined the boundaries of communities. In most countries the making of this new national identity was a long process. How did this consciousness emerge in India. In India and as in many other colonies, the growth of modern nationalism is intimately connected to the anti-colonial movement. People began discovering their unity in the process of their struggle with colonialism. The sense of being oppressed under colonialism provided a shared bond that tied many different groups together. But each class and group felt the effects of colonialism differently, their experiences were varied and their notions of freedom were not always the same. The Congress under Mahatma Gandhi tried to forge these groups together within one movement. But the unity did not emerge without conflict. |
- What was people's understanding of nation?
- How was the growth of modern nationalism intimately connected to the anti-colonial movement?
- How did people in India develop a sense of collective belonging? Explain.
Chapter: [0.02] Nationalism in India
Tourism Tourism in India has grown substantially over the last three decades. More than 15 million people are directly engaged in the tourism industry. Tourism also promotes national integration, provides support to local handicrafts and cultural pursuits. It also helps in the development of international understanding about our culture and heritage. Foreign tourists visit India for heritage tourism, eco tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, medical tourism and business tourism. There is a vast potential for development of tourism in all parts of the country. Efforts are being made to promote different types of tourism for this upcoming industry. |
- Explain the importance of tourism.
- Give an example of 'Heritage tourism'.
- Assess the benefits of improving tourism in India.
Chapter: [0.07] Lifelines of National Economy
On the given outline Political Map of India, identify the place marked as 'A' with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked near it:
The place where National Congress Session was held in September, 1920.
Chapter: [0.06] Political Parties
On the given Map of India, locate and label the following:
Ramagundam Thermal Plant
Chapter: [0.02] Nationalism in India
On the given Map of India, locate and label the following:
Pune Software Technology Park.
Chapter: [0.02] Forest and Wildlife Resources [0.02] Forest and Wildlife Resources
On the given Map of India, locate and label the following:
Chennai (Meenambakam) International Airport.
Chapter: [0.07] Lifelines of National Economy
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CBSE previous year question papers Class 10 Social Science with solutions 2021 - 2022
Previous year Question paper for CBSE Class 10 Social Science-2022 is solved by experts. Solved question papers gives you the chance to check yourself after your mock test.
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