Maharashtra State BoardSSC (English Medium) 9th Standard

Balbharati solutions for Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 17 - Introduction to Biotechnology [Latest edition]



Balbharati solutions for Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 17 - Introduction to Biotechnology - Shaalaa.com

Solutions for Chapter 17: Introduction to Biotechnology

Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 17 of Maharashtra State Board Balbharati for Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board.

Exercise [Page 208]

Balbharati solutions for Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board 17 Introduction to Biotechnology Exercise [Page 208]

Exercise | Q 1. a. | Page 208

The following statement is wrong. Rewrite it correctly by changing either one or two words. 

Simple squamous epithelium is present in respiratory tract. 

Exercise | Q 1. b. | Page 208

The following statement is wrong. Rewrite it correctly by changing either one or two words. 

Glandular epithelium is present in kidneys.

Exercise | Q 1. c. | Page 208

The following statement is wrong. Rewrite it correctly by changing either one or two words. 

Chlorenchyma helps the plant to float in water.

Exercise | Q 1. d. | Page 208

The following statement is wrong. Rewrite it correctly by changing either one or two words. 

Striated muscles are also called involuntary muscles.

Exercise | Q 1. e. | Page 208

The following statement is wrong. Rewrite it correctly by changing either one or two words. 

Chloroplast is present in permanent tissue.

Exercise | Q 2. a. | Page 208

Identify the odd word and explain why it is odd. 

  • Xylem

  • Phloem

  • Permanent tissue

  • Meristematic tissue

Exercise | Q 2. b. | Page 208

Identify the odd word and explain why it is odd. 

  • Epithelium

  • Muscle fibre

  • Nerve fibre

  • Epidermis

Exercise | Q 2. c. | Page 208

Identify the odd word and explain why it is odd. 

  • Cartilage

  • Bone

  • Tendon

  • Cardiac muscle

Exercise | Q 3. a. | Page 208

Write the name of the following tissue. 

Tissue lining the inner surface of the mouth.

Exercise | Q 3. b. | Page 208

Write the name of the following tissue.

Tissue joining muscles and bones.

Exercise | Q 3. c. | Page 208

Write the name of the following tissue.

Tissue is responsible for increasing the height of plants.

Exercise | Q 3. d. | Page 208

Write the name of the following tissue.

Tissue is responsible for increasing the girth of the stem. 

Exercise | Q 4. | Page 208

Write the differences.

Simple tissue and complex tissue in plants.

Exercise | Q 5. a. | Page 208

Write a short note. 

Meristematic tissue

Exercise | Q 5. b. | Page 208

Write a short note.


Exercise | Q 5. c. | Page 208

Write a short note.

Striated muscles

Exercise | Q 5. d. | Page 208

Write a short note.

Agro-complementary business.

Exercise | Q 5. e. | Page 208

Write a short note.

Genetic engineering

Exercise | Q 5. f. | Page 208

Write a short note.


Exercise | Q 6. i | Page 208

Explain the meaning of biotechnology.

Exercise | Q 6. ii | Page 208

Explain the impact of biotechnology on agricultural management with suitable examples.

Exercise | Q 7. | Page 208

Which two main techniques are used in biotechnology? Why?

Exercise | Q 8. | Page 208

Discuss ‘Agritourism’ in the class and write a project on an agro-tourism centre nearby. Present it in the class in groups.

Exercise | Q 9. i | Page 208

Define the term tissue.

Exercise | Q 9. ii | Page 208

Explain the concept of tissue culture.

Exercise | Q 10. | Page 208

‘Rearing of sheep is a livestock’. Justify this statement.

Solutions for 17: Introduction to Biotechnology

Balbharati solutions for Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 17 - Introduction to Biotechnology - Shaalaa.com

Balbharati solutions for Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 17 - Introduction to Biotechnology

Shaalaa.com has the Maharashtra State Board Mathematics Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Balbharati solutions for Mathematics Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board 17 (Introduction to Biotechnology) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.

Further, we at Shaalaa.com provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Balbharati textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.

Concepts covered in Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 17 Introduction to Biotechnology are Connective Tissue, Nervous Tissue, Biotechnology, Animal Tissues, Tissues - “The Teams of Workers”, Epithelial Tissue, Plant Tissues, Meristems or Meristematic Tissues, Simple Permanent Tissues (Supporting Tissue), Complex Permanent Tissues, Muscular Tissue, Permanent Tissue, Tissue Culture, Agritourism, Sericulture, Dairy Farming, Changes in Agricultural Management Due to Biotechnology, Application of Biotechnology in Floriculture, Nurseries and Forestry, Animal Husbandry (Livestock), Poultry Farming.

Using Balbharati Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board solutions Introduction to Biotechnology exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Balbharati Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Maharashtra State Board Science and Technology [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board students prefer Balbharati Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.

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