2: Map of India
3: The Climate of India
▶ 4: Soils in India
5: Natural Vegetation of India
6: Water Resources
7: Minerals in India
8: Agriculture in India
9: Industries in India: Agro Based Industries
10: Industries in India II: Mineral Based Industries
11: Transport in India
12: Waste Generation and Management
![ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 4 - Soils in India ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 4 - Soils in India -](/images/geography-english-class-10-icse_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 4: Soils in India
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 4 of CISCE ICSE for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE.
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE 4 Soils in India Very Short Questions
Which subject deals with the study of Soil?
What do you mean by ‘Soil’?
What all conditions can alter the characteristics of Soil?
Mention the types of Soils found in India.
Name the four major Soil types found in India, leaving out desert and mountain Soils.
Name four major groups of Soil found in the Indian Plains and Plateaus.
Which two types of Soils are the most important Soils?
What is meant by ‘in Situ’?
Mention two ways by which Soil can get nitrogen.
What do you understand by Humus?
Where are Alluvial Soils found in India?
Name the Soil known for its self-ploughing quality and the capacity to hold moisture. Name any two cash crops for which it is specially suited.
What is one disadvantage of Bhangar alluvium?
Which minerals are found in Regur Soil?
Name the important crops grown on it.
Name one important crop that thrives best in Regur and Red Soil, and a sea-port from where it is exported.
How is the Red Soil formed?
Name the soil which is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall with alternating wet and dry periods.
Which of the Soil is affected by Soil erosion and which crops grow well in Laterite Soil.
In which areas is Soil erosion prominent in India.
Mention the types of Soil erosion.
What is gully erosion?
How does erosion by wind take place?
Mention causes of Soil erosion.
How is man responsible for Soil erosion?
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE 4 Soils in India Short Questions
How is Soil formed?
How we define Soil from agricultural point of view?
What are the different types of Soil according to their Zones?
Alluvial Soils are also called ‘Riverine Soils’. Why?
How is the Alluvial Soil found in the Ganga plain different from that found in the Godavari valley?
How is Alluvial soil formed? Why is this soil agriculturally important?
What is Black Soil?
Give any two characteristics or features of the Soil found most suitable for growing cotton and sugarcane in Maharashtra.
How is Black Soil formed?
What are the other names of Black Soil? Where are they found?
Explain the origin of the Black Soil. Name two States in India, which have Black Soil.
Mention any two advantages of the Black Soil.
Where is Red Soil found?
What are mineral deficiencies of Red Soil? How can they be corrected?
How is Red Soil formed?
State two reasons for the low productivity of Red Soil or disadvantages.
With reference to Laterite soil, answer the question that follows:
How is Laterite Soil formed?
Where is Laterite Soil found?
State two disadvantages of Laterite Soil.
Why is Laterite Soil unsuitable for cultivation? Name an area where this Soil is found.
Name the type of Soil found on the summit of the Eastern Ghats. Explain the causes of its formation.
What is the meaning of ‘Soil Erosion’?
Mention the types of Soil erosion by water.
State the factors upon which the rate of Soil erosion depends.
Define ‘Leaching’? In which region South of the Tropic of Cancer, can one find Soil formed by ‘Leaching’?
What is sheet erosion?
What is rill erosion?
What is stream bank erosion?
How does sea or shore erosion occur?
How is slip erosion caused?
How does wind erose Soil?
Mention some measures to check Soil erosion.
Explain the need for Soil conservation in India. State two methods of Soil conservation.
How does the nature of the Soil affect Soil erosion?
State any two methods of controlling soil erosion.
What is soil conservation? How does reafforestation help in soil conservation?
Mention two ways by which soil can get nitrogen.
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE 4 Soils in India Long Questions
Name the factors responsible for the formation of Soil.
Draw a diagram showing the different Soil Horizons.
What are the main components of Soil?
Name the varieties of Alluvial Soils. Where are they found?
How is Regur Soil formed? Mention four important features of Regur Soil.
Mention some of the properties of Red Soil.
Mention two characteristics of Red Soil.
What are the salient characteristics of Laterite Soils?
State one method of controlling the erosion that water and wind caused.
Define the term ‘Soil conservation’.
Why it is necessary of Soil conservation ?
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE 4 Soils in India Give Reasons
Why are Alluvial Soil agriculturally important?
Why is deltaic alluvium more fertile than coastal alluvium?
Why is Alluvial Soil fertile?
Why Black Soils are also called ‘Black Cotton Soil’?
Why Black Soil needs to be tilled after the first rains?
Why Black soil is Black in colour?
Why is the Red Soil red in colour?
Name one state in India which mostly has Red Soil.
Why is Red Soil ideal for dry farming?
Laterite soil is not suitable for cultivation.
Why is Laterite Soil not suitable for agriculture?
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE 4 Soils in India Differentiate
State two differences between Black soil and Alluvial soil.
Alluvial soil and red soil.
Alluvial soils found in the lower courses and the upper courses of rivers.
State two differences between Khadar and Bhangar Soil.
Black Soil and Alluvial Soil.
Alluvial soil of the northern plains and the alluvial soil on the coastal plains of India.
Sheet erosion and Gully erosion.
Transported soil and In Situ soil, quoting a suitable example for each.
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE 4 Soils in India Differentiate
On the map of India, shade and name an area each of:
(a) Alluvial Soil,
(b) Red Soil,
(c) Desert Soil and
(d) Hill Soil or Mountain Soil.
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE 4 Soils in India Name the Following
Name the soil which
Covers the summits of the Eastern Ghats.
Name the soil which
Makes up the delta of the River Ganga.
Name the soil which
is sticky when wet and cracks when dry.
Give a single word for the following:
The loose rock material, together with humus, forming the uppermost layer of the earth’s crust and serving a source of food and moisture for plants.
Give a single word for the following:
The process of percolation by which valuable mineral nutrients are washed down from the top layer of the Soil only to deposit them in the lower layers, making the top Soil infertile.
Name the transported Soil most widely found in India. State the two sub-categories into which it is generally divided. What are their local names and which one of them is superior to the other.
Point out the region where coastal alluvium is found.
Name the three types of Alluvium Soil.
Name the crops for which Red Soils is suitable.
Name the Soil which is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall with alternating wet and dry periods. Name two states where this type of Soil is found?
Name one area where Laterite Soil is found in large-scale.
Name the parent rock of Laterite Soil. Name one area in India which has Laterite Soil.
Which Soil is found suitable to grow coffee in Karnataka?
Name two important agents of erosion.
Name a part of India where:
Wind is the main agent of erosion.
Name a part of India where:
Water is the main agent of erosion.
Solutions for 4: Soils in India
![ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 4 - Soils in India ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 4 - Soils in India -](/images/geography-english-class-10-icse_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
ICSE solutions for Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 4 - Soils in India has the CISCE Mathematics Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE CISCE solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. ICSE solutions for Mathematics Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE CISCE 4 (Soils in India) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. ICSE textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 4 Soils in India are Introduction to Soils, Types of Soils in India, Types of Soil, Alluvial Soil, Black Soil, Red Soil, Laterite Soils, Soil Erosion, Causes of Soil Erosion, Prevention of Soil Erosion, Soil Conservation.
Using ICSE Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE solutions Soils in India exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in ICSE Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum CISCE Geography [English] Class 10 ICSE students prefer ICSE Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
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