![NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 chapter 7 - Measurement NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 chapter 7 - Measurement -](/images/math-magic-english-class-1_6:b787b31f2e344d95904cbf07e7300799.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 7: Measurement
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 7 of CBSE NCERT for Math - Magic [English] Class 1.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Longer – Shorter [Page 93]
Select the Longer.
Select the Longer.
Select the Shorter.
Select the Shorter.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Longest – Shortest [Page 94]
Select the Longest.
Select the Longest.
Select the Shortest.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Taller – Shorter [Page 95]
Select the Taller.
Select the Taller.
Select the Shorter.
Select the Shorter.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Tallest – Shortest [Page 96]
Select the Tallest.
Select the Shortest.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Thicker – Thinner [Page 97]
Select the Thicker.
Select the Thicker.
Select the Thinner.
Select the Thinner.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Thickest – Thinnest [Page 98]
Select the Thickest.
Select the Thinnest.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Heavier – Lighter [Page 99]
Select the lighter.
Select the lighter.
Select the Heavier.
Select the Heavier.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Heaviest – Lightest [Page 100]
Select the Heaviest.
Select the Lightest.
Select the Heaviest.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Measurement [Page 101]
The book is ______ spans long.
The table is ______ spans long.
Trace your friend's hand span here.
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 7 Measurement Measure [Pages 102 - 103]
My table is ______ span long.
My pencil is ______ span long.
My classroom blackboard is ______ pencils long.
The carpet is ______ long.
The mat is ______ long.
Guess the distance between two trees.
Solutions for 7: Measurement
![NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 chapter 7 - Measurement NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 chapter 7 - Measurement -](/images/math-magic-english-class-1_6:b787b31f2e344d95904cbf07e7300799.jpg)
NCERT solutions for Math - Magic [English] Class 1 chapter 7 - Measurement has the CBSE Mathematics Math - Magic [English] Class 1 CBSE solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. NCERT solutions for Mathematics Math - Magic [English] Class 1 CBSE 7 (Measurement) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. NCERT textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Math - Magic [English] Class 1 chapter 7 Measurement are Measurement.
Using NCERT Math - Magic [English] Class 1 solutions Measurement exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in NCERT Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum CBSE Math - Magic [English] Class 1 students prefer NCERT Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
Get the free view of Chapter 7, Measurement Math - Magic [English] Class 1 additional questions for Mathematics Math - Magic [English] Class 1 CBSE, and you can use to keep it handy for your exam preparation.