
Give the Formulae of the Compounds Formed from the Following Sets of Elements : Calcium and Fluorine Hydrogen and Sulphur Nitrogen and Hydrogen Carbon and Chlorine Sodium and Oxygen Carbon and Oxygen - Science



Give the formulae of the compounds formed from the following sets of elements :

  1. calcium and fluorine
  2. hydrogen and sulphur
  3. nitrogen and hydrogen
  4. carbon and chlorine
  5. sodium and oxygen
  6. carbon and oxygen
टिप्पणी लिखिए


  1. Compound formed with calcium and fluorine will have the chemical formula CaF2. (valency of Ca is 2 and that of F is 1)
  2. Compound formed with hydrogen and sulphur will have the chemical formula H2S. (valency of S is 2 and that of H is 1)
  3. Compound formed with nitrogen and hydrogen will have the chemical formula NH3. (valency of N is 3 and that of H is 1)
  4. Compound formed with carbon and chlorine will have the chemical formula CCl4. (valency of C is 4 and that of Cl is 1)
  5. Compound formed with sodium and oxygen will have the chemical formula Na2O. (valency of Na is 1 and that of O is 2)
  6. Compound formed with carbon and oxygen will have the chemical formula CO2. (valency of C is 4 and that of O is 2, divided by the common factor of 2)
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