What are the causes of ‘Myopia’?
Myopia, also known as short-sightedness, occurs due to the lengthening of the eyeball. With this defect, nearby objects can be seen clearly but distant objects cannot be seen clearly.
संबंधित प्रश्न
Do you know that the corneal-impairment can be cured by replacing the defective cornea with the cornea of the donated eye? How and why should we organise groups to motivate the community members to donate their eyes after death?
A person with a myopic eye cannot see objects beyond 1.2 m distinctly. What should be the type of the corrective lens used to restore proper vision?
A man can read the number of a distant but clearly but he finds difficulty in reading a book.
From which defect of the eye is he suffering?
A student sitting in the last row of the class-room is not able to read clearly the writing on the blackboard.
How can this defect by corrected?
The picture given here shows a person wearing 'half-moon' spectacles. What sort of eye-defect do do you think he has? Why are these particular spectacles useful to him?
By closing the eyes and gently pressing them by your palms, you may see some specks of brilliant light. How do you get this sensation while there is no light entering your eyes?
Solve the following question:
The near point of the eye of a person is 50 cm. Find the nature and power of the corrective lens required by the person to enable him to see clearly the objects placed at 25 cm from the eye?
Explain the Term: Astigmatism
Which of the following statement is correct?
Match the following:
Column - I | Column - II |
1. Retina | a. Path way of light |
2. Pupil | b. Far point comes closer |
3. Ciliary muscles | c. near point moves away |
4. Myopia | d. Screen of the eye |
5. Hypermetropia | e. Power of accommodation |