
Write the Formula of the Following Compound: Zinc Carbonate - Chemistry



Write the formula of the following compound:

Zinc carbonate

एक पंक्ति में उत्तर


Zinc carbonate - ZnCO3 - `"Zn"^(2+)["CO"_3]^(2-)`

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अध्याय 1: The Language Of Chemistry - Additional Questions


विराफ जे दलाल Simplified ICSE Chemistry [English] Class 9
अध्याय 1 The Language Of Chemistry
Additional Questions | Q 12.05

संबंधित प्रश्न

The radius of an oxygen atom is 0.073 nm. What does the symbol ‘nm’ represent ?

What is meant by a chemical formula ? Write the formulae of one element and one compound.

Explain the difference between 2N and N2.

The atomicities of ozone, sulphur, phosphorus and argon are respectively :

Correct the following statement:

Molecular formula of water is H2O2

Name the element in the compound and give the formula of the following compound:

Nitric acid

Write the formula of the following compound:

Sodium plumbite

Write the formula of the following compound:

Calcium bisulphite

Write the formula of the following compound:

Magnesium nitrate

Write the formula of the following compound:

Copper [I] sulphide

Write the formula of the following compound:

Iron [II] sulphide

Write the formula of the following compound:

Lead [II] chloride

State of the following formula of a compound is incorrect. Incorrectly write the correct formula.


State of the following formula of a compound is incorrect. Incorrectly write the correct formula.


State of the following formula of a compound is incorrect. Incorrectly write the correct formula.


State of the following formula of a compound is incorrect. Incorrectly write the correct formula.


What do you understand by chemical formula of a compound? What is its significance?

Write the chemical formula for the following compounds

  1. Aluminium sulphate
  2. Silver nitrate
  3. Magnesium oxide
  4. Barium chloride

Write the molecular formulae of all the compounds that can be formed by the combination of the following ions

Cu2+, Na+, Fe3+, C1 , `"SO"_4^-2`, `"PO"_4^3-`



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