State the principle of calorimeter and define calorie and kilocalorie.
Principle of Calorimeter:
When a hot body is mixed or kept in contact with a oold body, there is a transfer of heat from hot body to oold body such that
Total heat gained by oolder body= Total heat lost by the hot body,
if there is no loss of heat to the surroundings.
One calorie is the quantity of heat required tD raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C.
1 calorie= 4.186 joule
One kilocalorie is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.
1 kcal= 4.186 x 103 joule
संबंधित प्रश्न
Name the law on which principle of Calorimetry is based
Name the law on which the principle of mixture is based.
A piece of iron of mass 2.0 kg has a heat capacity of 966 J K-1. Find heat energy needed to warm it by 15°C.
Describe an experiment to show that there is absorption of heat energy when the ice melts.
(i) Name the physical quantity which is measured in calories.
(ii) How is calorie related to the S.I. unit of that quantity ?
Fill in the following blank using suitable word:
Ice at o0C is colder than o0C.
Which requires more heat: 1 g ice at 0°C or 1 g water at 0°C to raise its temperature to 10°C? Explain your answer.
Explain, why is water used as a coolent in motor car radiators?
What energy change would you Expect to take place in the molecules of a substance when it undergoes:
(i) a change in its temperature?
(ii) a change in itsstate without any change in its temperature?