
Ananya had been trying to learn a new form of dance to win a competition. She decided to join a dance group that was also practicing the same dance form. Identify the reason for Ananya wanting - Psychology



Ananya had been trying to learn a new form of dance to win a competition. She decided to join a dance group that was also practicing the same dance form. Identify the reason for Ananya wanting to join the dance group. Explain some of the other reasons that make people join groups.

Short Note


  • Goal achievement: Groups help in achieving such goals which cannot be attained individually. There is power in the majority.
  • Provide knowledge and information: Group membership provides knowledge and information and thus broadens our view. As individuals, we may not have all the required information. Groups supplement this information and knowledge.
  • Satisfaction of one’s psychological and social needs: Groups satisfy one’s social and psychological needs such as a sense of belongingness, giving and receiving attention, love, and power through a group.
Nature and Formation of Groups
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2022-2023 (March) Sample


How does Tuckman’s stage model help you to understand the formation of groups?

An ____________ is a collection of people who have assembled for a special purpose, may be to watch a cricket match or a movie.

____________ is a stage of intragroup conflict.

____________ refers to togetherness, binding, or mutual attraction among group members.

Shaping in instrumental conditioning means

Which one of the following statement is true in the context of above study?

What were the reasons of joining group by people?

  1. Security
  2. Status
  3. Self-esteem
  4. Satisfaction of psychological needs

Choose the correct options from below.

You along with your friends decide to create a crowd fund to help a friend who was recently affected by the coronavirus and couldn't afford the treatment. This form of group formation is triggered by:  

______ is a consequence of extreme cohesiveness. 

People who have assembled to watch a cricket match are at one place, but are not interdependent on each other. It is an example of

Individual-level independent variables include all of the following except.  

The conflict between actual and desired emotions is called ______.

What sort of goals does Management By Objectives (MBO) emphasize?  

Mr. Bilal is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would attribution theory describe this behaviour?   

______ refers to togetherness, binding or mutual attraction among group members.

A working group was formed to organise the annual sports competition in a school. At a particular stage, there was a lot of conflict in the group. Identify this stage and the stage that is likely to follow it.

Explain any two elements of a group structure.

Mary found herself very lonely when she joined a new college, but soon felt at ease when she made friends and became a member of a 'hobby group' too. With the help of this example, discuss the conditions that lead to group formation.

Mehak is an important member of her Psychology group and has recently been selected to be a member of the football team as well. What is the main difference between the group and the team that she is a part of?

Four friends are working together to develop a plan for their new start-up. After some initial conflict, the group started to work together and became unified. Now the group is very productive and the group goal is in the process of being achieved. Identify the stage of group formation that the group has presently reached. Explain the stages that the group has passed through to reach the present stage.



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