Answer the following question.
Draw solar cell V-I characteristics.
V-I characteristic of a solar cell:
The V-I characteristic of a solar cell as follows:
- Isc is the short-circuit current when the load resistance RL is zero.
- Voc is the open-circuit voltage when RL is infinity.
Colour of light emitted by LED depends upon__________________ .
- its forward bias
- its reverse bias
- the band gap of the material of semiconductor
- its size
The width of depletion region of p-n junction diode is _______.
(A) 0.5 nm to 1 nm
(B) 5 nm to 10 nm
(C) 50 nm to 500 nm
(D) 500 nm to 1000 nm
Sunil and his parents were travelling to their village in their car. On the way his mother noticed some grey coloured panels installed on the roof of a low building. She enquired from Sunil what those panels were and Sunil told his mother that those were solar panels.
(a) What were the values displayed by Sunil and his mother? State one value for each.
(b) In what way would the use of solar panels prove to be very useful?
(c) Name the semiconductor device used in solar panels. Briefly explain with the help of a diagram, how this device works
An ideal diode should pass a current freely in one direction and should stop it completely in the opposite direction. Which is closer to ideal-vacuum diode or a p-njunction diode?
Write the important considerations which are to be taken into account while fabricating a p-n junction diode to be used as a Light Emitting Diode (LED). What should be the order of the band gap of an LED, if it is required to emit light in the visible range? Draw a circuit diagram and explain its action.
Pressure P varies as P = `alpha/beta "exp" (- (alpha x)/"k"_"BT")`, where x denotes the distance, kB is the Boltzmann's constant, T is the absolute temperature and α and β are constant. The dimension of β is ______.
Consider the following statements (A) and (B) and identify the correct answer.
- A Zener diode is connected in reverse bias when used as a voltage regulator.
- The potential barrier of the p-n junction lies between 0.1 V to 0.3 V.
In Figure, assuming the diodes to be ideal ______.
Draw solar cells of I-V characteristics.
What energy conversion takes place in a solar cell?