Answer the following question in one or two paragraphs:
Explain why the Great Northern Plains are densely populated.
The Great Northern Plains are densely populated because of the following reasons
- The fertile soil of the plains has helped in the development of agriculture.
- Its soft soil has made irrigation possible.
- Their flatness has promoted the growth and development of a dense network of road and rail transport.
- Their rivers and tributaries provide cheap water transport.
Name the three main ranges of the Himalayas. Compare them.
Where do the Ganga and the Brahmaputra join and where do they drain?
Define the following:
Alluvial plain
Fill in the blank:
___________ is the point in the Himalayas where the boundaries of five countries meet.
No other country has such a large ______ line.
The northernmost range of Himalayas is ______.
The ______ is known as the “Roof of the World”.
The ______ land gets abundant sunshine from the sun.
What is doab?
Prepare a table showing the major West flowing and East flowing rivers of peninsular India.