Answer the question with respect to the following diagram:
State two properties of radiation B different from those of visible light.
The properties of radiation B differ from those of visible light are:
(a) These radiations can penetrate through the substances which are opaque to visible light.
(b) They destroy living cells.
Which of the radiations α, β and γ is similar to a beam of electrons?
A radioactive source emits three types of radiations.
Name the radiation consisting of the same kind of particles as the cathode rays.
The radiation suffering the maximum deflection in a magnetic field is ______.
A mixture of radioactive substance gives off three types of radiation name the radiation similar in nature to cathode rays.
A mixture of radioactive substance gives off three types of radiation name the radiation which is deviated most in a magnetic field.
Answer the question with respect to the following diagram:
Name the charged particles emitted from the heated filament? Name the phenomenon of emission of these particles.
Answer the question with respect to the following diagram:
Name the material of target C.
Answer the question with respect to the following diagram:
State two factors on which the wavelength of radiation B depends.
Answer the question with respect to the following diagram:
State two uses of radiation B.
Answer the question with respect to the following diagram:
Why is it necessary to cool the tube?