Chemical equations suffer from a number of limitations. State the main limitations of a chemical equation.
- Physical states of the reactants or products. But now we write along with substances (l) for liquids, (s) for solid, and (g) for gas.
- Conditions that affect the reaction, i.e. temp, pressure, or catalyst.
- Concentration of reactants and products we use dil. for dilute and cone, for concentrated.
- Nature of the chemical reaction.
- Speed – the reaction is fast or slow.
- Exothermic or endothermic we write + heat or – heat towards products for exothermic and endothermic.
- The completion of the reaction.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the following word equation:
Iron + Chlorine → Iron (III) chloride
Define chemical reaction.
Balance the following equation:
\[\ce{Fe2O3 + H2->Fe + H2O}\]
Balance the following equation:
\[\ce{FeCl3 + NaOH->NaCl + Fe(OH)3}\]
Underline the incorrectly balanced compound equation and rewrite the correct equation.
\[\ce{2Na + 3H2O->2NaOH + H2}\]
Balance the following important equation:
NH3 + O2 → N2 + H2O (burning of NH3)
A chemical reaction does not involve:
What information is not conveyed by a balanced chemical equation?
Complete and balance the following equation:
\[\ce{Al2O3 + NaOH ->}\]
Complete and balance the following equation:
\[\ce{C2H5COONa + NaOH ->[\Delta][CaO]}\]