Define bound electrons.
As nucleus is positively charged it strongly attracts the negative charged electrons. The electron orbit close to the nucleus are tightly bound by strong attractive force of nucleus. These electrons are known as bound electrons.
Answer the following questions based on a hot cathode ray tube.
State the approximate voltage used to heat the filament
What happens if the negative potential is changed on a grid?
Name a gas caused by the Greenhouse effect
What are isobars?
Give a scientific explanation.
When the radiation coming out from a certain radioactive substance is passed through an electric field, marks are found at three places on the photographic plate placed in its path.
In the following fig. shows a radioactive source S in a thick lead container. The radiations pass through an electric field between the plates P and Q. Complete the diagram to show the paths of α , β and γ radiations.
Why is the source S placed in a thick lead container?
State three safety precautions that you would take while handling the radioactive substances.
What do you understand by the term radioactivity?
The mean lives of a radioactive substance are 1620 and 405 years for β-emission and β-emission respectively. The time after which three fourth of a sample will decay if it is decaying both by β-emission and β-emission simultaneously will be ______ years.
(Take ln 2 = 0.693)