Define the degree of dissociation.
The degree of dissociation (α) of an electrolyte is defined as a fraction of the total number of moles of the electrolyte that dissociates into its ions when the equilibrium is attained.
Answer the following :
Derive the relationship between the degree of dissociation and dissociation constant in weak electrolytes.
Derive the equation which implies that the degree of dissociation of weak acid is inversely proportional to the square root of its concentration.
Distinguish between strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte.
Select the INCORRECT option.
Which of the following is a weak electrolyte?
The dissociation constant (Ka) and percent of degree of dissociation (α) of a weak monobasic acid solution of 0.1 M with a pH = 4, are ____________ respectively.
The degree of ionization of 0.10 M solution of a weak monobasic acid is 4%. Find the value of Ka.
A weak monobasic acid is 10% dissociated in 0.05 M solution. What is the percent dissociation in 0.15 M solution?
The degree of dissociation of acetic acid in its 0.1 M solution is 0.0132 at 25°C. Calculate the degree of dissociation in its 0.01 M solution.
A weak monobasic acid is 0.05 % dissociated. The a value (degree of dissociation) is ______.
Define degree of dissociation.
Define degree of dissociation.
Derive Ostwald's dilution law for the CH3COOH.
Define degree of dissociation.
Define degree of dissociation.
Define degree of dissociation.
Derive Ostwald's dilution law for the \[\ce{CH3COOH}\].
Derive Ostwald's dilution law for the \[\ce{CH3 COOH}\].
Define degree of dissociation.
Define degree of dissociation.