Differentiate between Unicameral and Bicameral Legislature.
Legislature is the law making organ of the State. If a legislature has two houses, Lower House and Upper House, it is called Bicameral Legislature where as if a Legislature has only one House, it is called Unicameral Legislature.
What is meant by the term ‘quorum’?
What is the maximum gap allowed between the two parliamentary sessions?
What is meant by ‘Residuary Powers’ of the Parliament?
What is meant by the term Universal Adult Franchise?
What is the maximum gap allowed between two Parliamentary sessions?
How does Parliament exercise control over the Union Council of Ministers?
What is understood by the term ‘Individual Responsibility’ in a Parliament Democracy?
Explain the powers of the Union Parliament in respect of matters in the Union List and Concurrent List.
Mention four of Administrative or Executive Powers.
The Union Parliament is the supreme legislative body in the country. With reference to the Indian Parliament answer the following question:
Mention any two exclusive powers of the Lok Sabha.