Explain the structure of sulphur dioxide.
SO2 molecule has a bent structure with an O–S–O bond angle of 119°.
Sulphur is sp2 hybridised and the lone pair of electrons of sulphur reduces the bond angle from 120° to 119°.
In the structure, each oxygen atom is attached to sulphur by an σ and a π bond.
The σ bonds between S and O are formed by sp2–p overlap, while one of the π bonds is formed from pπ– pπ overlap and other from pπ–dπ overlap.
Both S–O bonds are identical because of resonance.
What happens when: SO2 gas is passed through an aqueous solution Fe+3 salt?
Comment on the nature of two S−O bonds formed in SO2 molecule. Are the two S−O bonds in this molecule equal?
How is the presence of SO2 detected?
How is SO2 an air pollutant?
When SO2 gas is passed through the acidified K2Cr2O7 solution, the colour of the solution changes to:
Answer the following question.
Write a chemical reaction to test sulphur dioxide gas. write a chemical equation involved.
Which of the following is not an example of antiseptic drug?
Sulfur dioxide is a ____________.
Which of the following oxides can act both as an oxidising agent as well as reducing agent?
When zinc sulfide is roasted, gas 'A' is formed. Which of the following is INCORRECT about gas 'A'?
The O-S-O bond angle and hybridization of Sulphur in SO2 molecule is respectively.
When sulphur dioxide combines with chlorine in the presence of charcoal catalyst, the product formed is ______.
Sulphur trioxide can be obtained by which of the following:
The number of lone pair and bond pair of electrons on the sulphur atom in sulphur dioxide molecule are respectively
Oleum is:-
Write the chemical equation for the preparation of sulphur dioxide from sulphur.
Give reactions to show that SO2 gas acts as a reducing agent.