Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationHSC Science Class 11

Explain Wien’s law and why our eyes are sensitive only to visible rays? - Physics



Explain Wien’s law and why our eyes are sensitive only to visible rays?

Long Answer


Wien’s law and Vision: The Sun is approximately taken as a black body. Since any object above 0 K will emit radiation, Sun also emits radiation. Its surface temperature is about 5700 K. By substituting this value in the equation of Wien’s law.

`λ_"m" = "b"/"T" = (2.898 xx 10^-8)/5700 ≈ 508  "nm"`

It is the wavelength at which the maximum intensity is 508 nm. Since the Sun’s temperature is around 5700 K, the spectrum of radiations emitted by the Sun lies between 400 nm to 700 nm which is the visible part, of the spectrum. It is shown in Figure.

                       Wavelength (nm)

             Wien’s law and Human’s vision

The humans evolved under the Sun by receiving its radiation. The human eye is sensitive only in the visible not in infrared or X-ray ranges in the spectrum.
Suppose if humans had evolved on a planet near the star Sirius (9940 K), then they would have had the ability to see the Ultraviolet rays!

Law of Heat Transfer
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Chapter 8 Heat and Thermodynamics
Evaluation | Q III. 8. | Page 159


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