Find the cube-root of `343/512`
= `root(3)(343/512)`
= `sqrt(7 xx 7 xx 7)/sqrt(8 xx 8 xx 8)`
= `(7)/(8)`
By which smallest number must the following number be divided so that the quotient is a perfect cube?
By taking three different values of n verify the truth of the following statement:
If n is even , then n3 is also even.
Write true (T) or false (F) for the following statement:
No cube can end with exactly two zeros.
Which of the following number is cube of negative integer - 1056 .
Find the cube root of the following natural number 33698267 .
What is the smallest number by which 8192 must be divided so that quotient is a perfect cube? Also, find the cube root of the quotient so obtained.
Making use of the cube root table, find the cube root
1100 .
Making use of the cube root table, find the cube root
780 .
Making use of the cube root table, find the cube root
Find if the following number is a perfect cube?
Find the least number by which 1323 must be multiplied so that the product is a perfect cube.
Find the cube-root of -512
Find the cube-root of `-(27)/(125)`
Find the cube-root of `-(64)/(343)`
Find the cube-root of -2197.
Find the cube-root of `− 27/343`
`root(3)(1000)` is equal to ______.
If a2 ends in 9, then a3 ends in 7.
Difference of two perfect cubes is 189. If the cube root of the smaller of the two numbers is 3, find the cube root of the larger number.