Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationSSLC (English Medium) Class 9

How are cyclones classified? - Social Science



How are cyclones classified?

Answer in Brief


  • Tropical cyclones:
  1. They develop in the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).
  2. They are formed due to the differential heating of land and sea.
  3. Tropical cyclones are known as ‘cyclones’ in Indian ocean, typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean, hurricanes in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific ocean.
  4. Tropical cyclones often cause heavy loss of life and property on the coasts and become weak after reaching the land masses.
  • Temperate cyclones:
  1. These cyclones are formed along a front where hot and cold air masses meet in mid-latitudes between 35° and 65° N and S.
  2. Temperate cyclones do not become weak on reaching the land.
  3. It commonly occurs over the North Atlantic Ocean, North West Europe, Mediterranean basin.
  4. In India, it is called the western disturbances.
  • Extra Tropical cyclone:
  1. It occurs in the latitude between 30° and 60° in both the hemispheres.
  2. They are also called as Mid Latitude Cyclones.
  3. They produce mild showers to heavy gales, thunderstorms, blizzards, and tornadoes.
Wind - Variable Winds
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Chapter 2.03: Atmosphere - Exercises [Page 191]


Samacheer Kalvi Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board
Chapter 2.03 Atmosphere
Exercises | Q VI. 4 | Page 191


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